Cook & Drink

#FlatwareableArt: 8 Artists Take On Our Tabletop



It’s no secret that our obsession with flatware knows no bounds. So as we continue to celebrate the launch of our new finishes – brushed gold and black satin – we wanted to make sure these gleaming, exquisitely crafted pieces got the attention they deserved. A simple announcement didn’t seem to be enough. But what about… an art exhibition? 



It started in our own studio, when we discovered that shooting the flatware as simple tabletop essentials didn’t adequately show off their classic good looks. So a new idea was born: Why should forks, spoons, and knives be shot like… forks, spoons, and knives? Why shouldn’t they be treated like the talent? Or at least, like timeless luxuries? Sure, these are pieces that work hard through scooping ice cream, twirling noodles, and smearing on peanut butter – and then handle thousands of cycles in the dishwasher. But it doesn’t hurt to be appreciated for one’s looks every once in a while.



So we shot our campaign, showing off the flatware’s more glamorous side. We brought in timeless handbags, sparkling stilettos, and a jewel box of necklaces to accessorize, as well as gold leafed snacks and pearl-studded oysters. They all made for good company for our classic, never-goes-out-of-style flatware, which shined brightly amongst the goods. But? We weren’t done there.




We scoured the modern-day artists quarters (aka Instagram) to find talented, hyper-creative photographers, and sent our muses (aka, flatware) out all across the country. The result? Over a dozen different ways of looking at the pieces we use every day – each of them with their own witty, brilliant spark. Here, meet the artists in our #FlatwareableArt exhibition.




Aleia Murawski, @aleia
Oh, to live in a Murawski world. We were drawn in by the artist’s bewitching and stylish series of miniatures, right down to the snail-sized pianos and heart-shaped motifs. So it was no surprise that her take brought the brushed gold pieces to a Dali-meets-Versailles vacation where they’re able to live large. Literally. 




Gretchen Röehrs, @groehrs
Chances are you’ve seen, and like us, fallen for, Röehrs’s coffee table book Edible Ensembles, where she turns humble produce (among other treasures) into couture-like wonders for her pen-drawn beauties. In her hands? Sparkling silverware becomes a high-low cocktail gown. 



Que Duong, @queduong
The dramatic, saturated-color backgrounds of Duong’s works made us quick fans, especially when paired with the artist’s playful use of shadows and juxtapositions. Duong’s flatware series plays with the idea of a Midas touch, with the utensils getting into pearls, diamonds, and enticingly glittering delicacies.




Anisha Sisodia, @AnishaSpice
In front of Sisodia’s lens, objects like ice cubes, and locations like the drugstore crackle with fun. It’s that quality, that magic in everyday things, that forces your thumb stop in its tracks while scrolling Instagram. Sisodia brought that signature spark to the series, presenting the gold brushed pieces at work with rich desserts and equally delicious jewelry.




Mackenzie Freemire, @mackenziediane
Freeze! Freemire’s ability to press pause on moments of joy, mystery, or peace is captivating, in part thanks to her choices of ever-vibrant props. In her flatware series, the piercing forks and leaning spoons come alive with help from some unconventional food props as well as the most unconventional accomplice we’ve seen so far – live snakes.




Evan Sheehan, @evantsheehan
Color is king in Sheehan’s energetic images, featuring wide open spaces and often obscured faces. A master of hitting pause at just the right moment of light and movement, his works often feel like a freeze frame within an art film. In his images, the classic stainless steel pieces – with accented ladies of luxury in supporting roles – are elevated to heirloom status.




Alex Wallbaum, @alexwallbaum 

Dramatically draped silks play backdrop in Wallbaum’s Dutch masters-inspired works, while common objects – cakes, daisies, calculators – earn star status. We love how the classic stainless steel silverware gets the same treatment amongst royal-themed delicacies.




Jessica Marak, @jessmarak
Marak’s candy-colored feed explores her propensity for found patterns and witty coincidences, as she reimagines jelly beans, water droplets, and porta-potties (seriously) into droll sunlit scenes. She brings our brushed gold flatware into her world with ease, presenting it alongside similarly well-heeled accessories, all with her signature wink.




It’s been tremendously fun to play gallerist and stage parent for this project, sending our prized flatware out to this talented crew, and seeing the incredible works that resulted. We’re left feeling even more inspired, and more likely to admire the goods when our flatware is hard at work at their more utilitarian day job. Being, you know, utensils.

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